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Our Delicious Lollies!


We have some of our favourite lollies here at Sweets Cravings.

Here we have the Candy Pops Large Wheel Rainbow Lollipop! These are HANDMADE in England, they come in a delicious fruity flavour. They are 30x75g per lolly! This is the kind of lolly that you can enjoy for WEEKS! This is on offer at the moment for: 24.99!

Here we have our second lollies! The Seaside Sweets SwirlPops at just 1 pound and 25 pence per lolly of 50g. These lollies come in many different flavours: Orange, Lemon, Blueberry, Apple, and Strawberry Flavour. These sweets ARE NOT suitable for children under the age of 3.

Both of these lollies can be purchased via Clearpay to enjoy now and pay later, so go on why not treat yourself and enjoy some of our delicious lollies. You can pay for all of your sweet treats with an instalment of 4 payments

Here you can find more of our delicious lollipop varieties we have:

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